‘Light up your ride’ to put focus on green transport
A charity cycling event called ‘Light Up Your Ride’ led by Carmel Khalilian and Joey Sheriff and the Shine Easy crew will take place on Saturday evening at the Small Boats Marina.
“Come join a celebration of Sustainable Transport, we're raising funds in aid of GBC Open Day! Bring different lights and your craziest costumes for a cycle at dusk,” state the flyer for the event.
The event was initially discussed between Ms Khalilian and Mr Sheriff when they were trying to come up with ideas for the GBC Open Day.
“We were inspired by a music video that we found with a similar concept. We want to keep it fun and get people using crazy lights and fancy dress to ride around Gibraltar, while being filmed for a GBC open day video,” said Ms Khalilian.
“By hosting the event we hope to raise awareness about feeling safe while using sustainable forms of transport and mobility on the roads in Gibraltar. Not only on a bicycle but all forms of sustainable transport including but not limited to skateboards, skates, scooters and so on,” she added.
Another goal the duo have is to show businesses they can use sustainable forms of transport for mobility, which would help to reduce traffic during peak hours.
“We are collaborating with businesses and associations who have held these events in the past. A special mention to the GreenCode team, Vanessa from OTWO Magazine and Stuart Hedley from the Ebike store who have helped tremendously in raising monies and outreach,” said Mr Sheriff.
“We're expecting well over 100 people but the exact number attending will be a surprise. The more the merrier,” he added.
Set up for the event starts at 5pm where there will be face painting.
At 6pm the bikes, all lit up, will head off on a predetermined route down to the Beachview Terraces roundabout.
Go to Facebook event for more details, https://fb.me/e/1HHep9DSZ