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Long-serving GDP officer retires

The Gibraltar Defence Police recently said farewell to one of its officers who has retired after 35 years of loyal service to the Ministry of Defence.

Police Constable Douglas Bagu joined the GDP in May 1983.

During his career he has seen many changes; from the re-naming of the force through to the manner in which it operates today.

The MoD said Mr Bagu has embraced all these changes with professionalism.

Much of his career has seen him carrying out duties as a duty controller, being in the midst of all operational tasks.

He has also been a very active Committee member of the GDP Social Club, and has willingly given his time to support a number of projects.

He has twice taken part in the Force’s 24-hour cycling marathon and has provided invaluable support to the development of a baby unit at the Village of Hope in Morocco.

In past years Mr Bagu has also been heavily involved is the annual Three Kings Cavalcade.

Coming up with ideas, drafting out plans and arranging for the collection of numerous items required, all of which resulted in the transformation of a 40-foot trailer into a work of art.

Looking back at his career, Mr Bagu said: “After over 35 years of service I will definitely miss my colleagues and the good times that I shared with them.”

“There have also been challenging times but these have made me a stronger person. I encourage the younger generation to pursue a career in policing as it is a rewarding and challenging profession, encountering different situations on a daily basis.”

During the farewell presentation to his colleagues, Acting Chief Inspector Eric Olivero praised Mr Bagu for his loyal service and said: “A dedicated Police Officer with a wealth of experience is sadly leaving us. I wish you a happy and well deserved retirement, alongside your family who have supported you throughout your career.”

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