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Man arrested after ambulance stolen from A&E

A 24-year-old local man has been arrested after an ambulance belonging to the GHA was stolen and abandoned after being involved in a collision in the Upper Town area on Wednesday evening.

The man was arrested at around 9.15 pm on Wednesday on suspicion of aggravated vehicle taking, taking a conveyance without authority (attempted) and driving when under the influence of drugs.

His arrest came after police received a report that a GHA vehicle had been taken from the Accident and Emergency Department, the RGP said in a statement.

Police also received a report that he had attempted and failed to gain access to an ambulance at Saint Bernard’s Hospital.

Reports stated that it was seen driving erratically within the Upper Town before colliding with MacFarlane House. The vehicle sustained minor damage.

Following his arrest, a roadside drug test was administered, which gave a positive reading for cannabis.

At New Mole House Police Station, the man was further arrested for Driving without a Licence and No Insurance.

The man remains in police custody and an investigation is ongoing.

In a statement Issued on Wednesday, the Government said: “The Government has been made aware of an incident this evening involving the theft of a GHA ambulance transport vehicle from outside the Accident and Emergency Department.”

“The Government is unable to comment any further.”

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