Mia Hook wins bookmark competition
Pic by Johnny Bugeja
Mia Hook has won the bookmark competition, organised by Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS) and in conjunction with Dyslexia Gibraltar.
The competition attracted a total of 362 entries and the awards were presented by the Minister for Culture, Dr John Cortes, at the Mario Finlayson National Art Gallery.
Westside Comprehensive School student Mia Hook won the overall award, and judges said: “Mia’s bookmark stood out straight away for us. The message was exactly what we were looking for and visually it has a great impact. It’s a brilliant design.”
Winner School Years 3 to 6 was Alexis Bishop-Chichon from St. Anne’s Upper Primary School.
“This bookmark speaks volumes and gives the right message. We loved it,” the judges said.
Winner School Years 7–10 was Misha Paryani from Westside Comprehensive School.
“A powerful message which truly shows the struggles of Dyslexia,” the judges said.
The adult winner was Audrey MacLean.
“We were very impressed with the design. Clearly a lot of thought went into this. A very powerful image,” the judges said.
Highly commended certificates were awarded to Nesken Bragg St Joseph’s Upper Primary School (School Years 3-6), Elsie Griffiths Bayside Comprehensive School (School Years 7-10) and Bianca Personeni Loreto Convent School (School Years 3-6).
Dyslexia Gibraltar said: “Dyslexia Gibraltar would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Bookmark Competition. We were overwhelmed by the response and very impressed by the standard of entries.
It was very hard to judge. We hope that by entering the competition, it enabled people to understand Dyslexia a little bit more. We would like to thank the Ministry of Culture and the Department of Education for their support in promoting this competition.”