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Naval Base Open Day draws over 4,000 visitors for a fun-filled family event

Photos by Johnny Bugeja

The latest Naval Base open day was declared a success by organisers with over 4,000 tickets to the event having been sold.

Both the Commander of British Forces, Commodore Tom Guy, and the Governor, Lieutenant General Sir Benjamin Bathurst, were also present.

“If you look around here in the Naval Base today [Saturday] you can see thousands of members of the Gibraltarian public meeting and seeing what the people of British Forces Gibraltar do,” said Commodore Guy.

“By the very nature of our work, a lot of what we do is behind the wire at the Naval Base, RAF Station, training estate, or Devil’s Tower Camp, and that is for good reason.”

“But we are a significant part of the community and I think it’s really important for the people that we serve to understand something of what we do, and an Open Day is a great way of doing that.”

“What it’s all about is giving people an insight into what British Forces Gibraltar is all about and the shear breadth and variety of the activity here,” he added.

A variety of stalls were set up on the day to provide food and drinks, including ones from Binky’s Kitchen, Spirit of the Rock, Top Dogs, Johnny’s Ice Cream van, and Hog Roast.

Charities also had stalls, including Childline, Cancer Relief, the Animals in Need Foundation and SSAFA.

The Royal Gibraltar Regiment and their recruitment stand were there, as were the Gibraltar Defence Police, Royal Gibraltar Police, RAF Stem, Fire and Rescue, NAAFI and Sea Scouts

During the day there was various displays including the popular GDP Dog Display, the RNGS boat display, the Sea Scouts Pipe Band and a blank-firing exercise.

Music was played throughout on the Main Stage, with youngsters getting up on the stage to show off their vocal talents.

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