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New CBF for British Forces Gibraltar

Commodore Tom Guy [above left], Gibraltar’s new CBF, alongside Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Commodore Steve Dainton, who hands over on June 30.

Gibraltar’s new Commander British Forces takes up his new post tomorrow [June 30].

Commodore Tom Guy, who succeeds Commodore Steve Dainton, brings to the Rock experience from a broad range of operational, staff and command roles ashore and afloat globally, from patrol craft to mine-hunters, frigates, destroyers and aircraft carriers.

On Wednesday he met Chief Minister Fabian Picardo at No.6 Convent Place.

“I was delighted to meet Commodore Tom Guy earlier today in my office,” Mr Picardo said.

“Commodore Guy has an impressive and significant amount military experience having served in Iraq and Libya in the past.”

“I very much look forward to working closely with Commodore Guy on the many matters which affect both the MOD and Gibraltar more widely.”

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing CBF Commodore Steve Dainton CBE for his support over recent years and wish him every success in the future.”

“I have enjoyed a great working relationship with Steve and I know he and Cal leave with a little bit of Gibraltar having captivated their hearts for ever.”

Having trained as a navigator and diving officer early on, Commodore Guy specialised as an anti-submarine warfare officer and then went on to command HMS Shoreham, a new minehunter out of build, and HMS Northumberland, fresh out of refit as one of the most advanced anti-submarine warfare frigates in the world.

His operational staff appointments have included service in the Headquarters of the Multi National Force Iraq in Baghdad in 2005, and as Chief of Staff to the UK’s Commander Amphibious Task Group, including the formation of the Response Force Task Group and its deployment on operations off Libya in 2011.

Other shore appointments have included the strategy area in the MOD, a secondment to the Cabinet Office, Director of the Royal Naval Division of the Joint Services Command and Staff College, Captain Surface Ships of the Devonport Flotilla, and head of the Force Generation team in Navy Command Headquarters.

In 2016-17 he was the Deputy UK Maritime Component Commander in Bahrain, and then the Deputy Director of the NATO Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence in Norfolk, Virginia from 2017-22.

A graduate of the UK’s Advanced Command and Staff Course and the US Capstone Course, with a Master’s Degree from Kings College, Commodore Guy is a Younger Brother of Trinity House and a keen yachtsman, as well as being a classic car and bike enthusiast.

He is married to Katie, who is a sailing instructor, and they have two grown up children, both of whom are also accomplished sailors.

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