New Gibraltar Morocco Business Association launches
The Gibraltar Morocco Business Association has been established by a group of local business people with the aim to foster business, cultural, touristic and educational links with Morocco.
In a statement the group explained that this stems from concern over Brexit, adding that it felt that Morocco can and will be a viable alternative to the Rock’s “over reliance” on Spain.
“We must not forget what happened in 1969 when Franco closed the frontier and essential supplies, workers , alter wine, gas stopped overnight, same scenario could happen again given the upsurge of the far right in Spain with Vox, PP and Cuidadanos alliance,” the group said in a statement.
The association said it was happy to see that Gibraltar Government has been planning on all eventualities as seen in last week’s Viewpoint and that there are advanced negotiations in respect of ferry links to be operated from Algeciras and Tangiers.
“This can only be good move by opening up possibilities for Gibraltar this now needs to be promoted for both tourist and the business community,” it said.
“The business community needs to change their logistical routing of their goods or source them from or via Morocco they may need assistance in understanding legislation, rules and or regulations of Morocco and feel this association may be able to assist given our own individual experiences in doing or working in Morocco.”
“We have organised this first public meeting on Thursday March 21, JMH Charles Hunt room 1900 hours to discuss how best we can assist Gibraltar and move forward and help in opening the whole of the African continent to Gibraltar.”