New GSD leadership changes nothing for Independent MPs…for now
Independent MP Marlene Hassan Nahon has shut the door on a return to the GSD following the election of Keith Azopardi as leader, but her former colleague Lawrence Llamas, while describing any such move as “premature”, has not ruled it out altogether.
Ms Hassan Nahon left the GSD almost two years ago and Mr Llamas followed in her footsteps a little over a year later.
In both cases, the two MPs centred their reasons for leaving on Daniel Feetham’s leadership of the GSD.
He has since resigned as party leader and Keith Azopardi now leads the Gibraltar Social Democrats.
Ms Hassan Nahon, who has since embarked on her own political project in the form of the ‘Together Gibraltar’ movement, told the Chronicle: “The change of GSD leadership changes nothing for me”.
“I left the GSD almost two years ago and have taken my own path,” she said.
“A path which has seen the creation of a platform for genuine partnership with my constituents, and which allows me to work directly with a team of people who are excited about real change for our community.”
Ms Hassan Nahon added that the political movement has set in motion a programme of democratic consultation which Gibraltar will see unfolding over the coming weeks and months.
“I have not for a second given any thought of abandoning that process and the change of GSD leadership changes nothing for me,” she said.
For his part, Mr Llamas said he has stood true to longstanding GSD policy when debating in Parliament since his departure from the party in July of this year.
“It is also true, that in the past six months, I have been able to reach out to the community in a way which had not happened before, attending to issues of concern and listening to those whom I have had the privilege of meeting and serving,” he said.
“It is clear to me that the GSD may no longer represent or shares the views and vision I have for Gibraltar.”
“The GSD has just only elected a new leader, and I wish him well, as I do the party,” he said.
“However it would be premature for me, as it would be for the GSD, its members and executive, to consider any form of return whilst internal affairs are repaired,” Mr Llamas told the Chronicle.