Nigel Feetham joins GSLP executive
The GSLP on Wednesday announced Nigel Feetham has joined their executive after having worked with the party for several years.
In a press statement, Mr Feetham said his motivation to join politics is for Gibraltar’s best interests.
The GSLP described how Mr Feetham is well known and is respected in the Gibraltar finance sector where he has worked for 30 years, including as a board member of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) and as a member of the GFSC Decision Making Committee.
The party added the sector, which including gaming, accounts for a significant part of Gibraltar’s GDP, employment and tax revenues.
“Nigel has also dedicated part of his career to the advancement of knowledge and education and has been a Visiting Professor of law in a UK University,” the GSLP said.
“He has authored several law books, was appointed a KC and his professional work has been recognised through numerous prestigious international awards. He is considered to be a key figure in the Insurance Sector in Gibraltar.”
“Nigel has been heavily involved in the restructure of the financial sector following the huge challenges created by Brexit and since last year has been advising the Government of Gibraltar at no expense to the taxpayer on a number of policy initiatives that have already delivered tangible results.”
Mr Feetham said political ambitions did not drive any decision to enter politics, but rather it was Gibraltar’s best interest.
“I have also said repeatedly that Gibraltar faced the most difficult period in our history, certainly over the last 40 years and that my only reason to be involved in politics was to help Gibraltar,” Mr Feetham said.
“I have seen the huge amount of work and effort Fabian Picardo and his Government has put into Brexit, not to mention Covid and the Ukrainian crisis (and its consequent impact on the world economy and the cost of living in Gibraltar). It would be unconscionable for me not to take the step forward to offer whatever support I can to the party.”
"I am not a career politician, and my only motivation is to put Gibraltar first.”
GSLP party leader and Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, said he was delighted that the executive approved his proposal, pursuant to the Party’s Constitution, on Mr Feetham joining the team.
“Whilst Nigel is a familiar face in the community and his professional and career credentials speak for themselves, he is also very down to earth and grew up in the GSLP family,” Mr Picardo said.
"Nigel has played a leading role in the Gibraltar financial sector over many years and has worked closely with my Government over the last year on a number of important policy initiatives on an unremunerated basis.”