No more balloons on National Day, SDGG announces
A positive reaction came from many sectors in Gibraltar following the Self Determination for Gibraltar Group’s (SDGG) announcement yesterday that it had taken “the very difficult decision” to end the tradition of releasing balloons on National Day.
The group, which organises the National Day events, said it was responding to “…a growing number of credible national and international organisations and people who….have highlighted that releasing helium filled balloons is likely to be harmful to the environment and animals, in particular marine species living and migrating around our shores.”
“The release of balloons as part of the festivities has become an important part of the day. Seeing the red and white balloons floating in the sky has evoked passion and sentiment in a huge number of Gibraltarians as the symbolic representation of our freedom.”
However, SDGG Chairman Richard Buttigieg added: "We cannot be irresponsible about an event that could have negative environmental impact. We must therefore act.”