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Nutritional awareness day highlights ‘the secrets behind food labels’

The Gibraltar Health Authority hosted a stall on nutritional awareness yesterday at the ICC, in a bid to demonstrate to the public the secrets behind food labels.

At the event there was a particular emphasis on diabetes as diabetics should take more care with what they eat and how to read food labels properly.

Diabetic Nurse Specialist Susan Edwards spoke to the Chronicle and explained that although a food label may say the item is low in sugar and for diabetics, it could actually be worse for diabetics as they are loaded with carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose by the body following consumption which alters blood glucose levels.

“What we are doing is making the public aware of the truth behind the food labels,” Ms Edwards said. “We are targeting the diabetic community because there are a lot of products which say they are sugar free and we want them to understand and look at the labels properly to learn that they are not sugar free, and that they cannot have them in abundance.”

She added that locally there is a high population of diabetics with around 9.7% diabetic Gibraltarians, and there are misconceptions revolving around which food to eat.



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