Over 160 works from Bayside students showcased in Fine Arts Gallery
Over 160 artworks from around 50 Bayside School GCSE and A Level students are on show at the Fine Arts Gallery.
The artworks are some of the best pieces from the student courseworks from Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students.
Gathered in the Fine Arts Gallery, alongside parents, teachers and art enthusiasts, the students were able to see their hard work line the walls of the Gallery.
The exhibition which stretches both vaults, also includes the works of four alumni students, with some available for purchase.
The exhibition has been organised by teachers Karl Ullger, Patricia Imossi, Chris-Anne Ullger, Claire Gill and Nadyle Garcia, Learning Support Assistant Germaine Warwick and technicians Karina Cooper and Lee Fa.
Launching the exhibition was the Minister for Education, Dr John Cortes, alongside Joseph Alecio from the Fine Arts Association, Bayside head teacher, Gaynor Lester, and teachers Mr Ullger and Ms Imossi.
Dr Cortes commended the youngsters for their work, calling the event a wonderful exhibition.
“I always make a point before I open an exhibition to go around and see for myself and I really am impressed,” Dr Cortes said.
“I get more and more impressed as the years go by at the standard of art that you are delivering in.”
“Congratulations to the teachers for the inspiration, the encouragement, but clearly the main thanks is to the artists, for those of you who paint and do art because you enjoy it and those of you who want to do it, perhaps later on as a profession.”
“So it really is reassuring for me as I leave culture, but stay with education to see the wonderful work that you’re doing and how you are the future of culture in Gibraltar.”
Mr Ullger thanked all those involved in bringing the exhibition to fruition, which was an idea after Covid.
“I was discussing the idea with the staff and I thought, how good would it be to do an exhibition on Year 13 work?” Mr Ullger said.
“From there it escalated to Year 12 and then in September we started to see all these final pieces come back from the summer, from a Year 11.”
“And we said, you know what, let’s do Year 11 as well. And I did say Year 10 as well, but I think they stopped my horses there.”
Mr Ullger said the exhibition was impressive to have over 160 works on display, and gave credit to all the young artists.
The exhibition is open on weekdays until December 1.