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Picardo highlights border fluidity in Cadena Ser interview

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Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has highlighted the importance of ensuring cross-border fluidity after Brexit.

Mr Picardo was interviewed by Aimar Bretos on the current affairs programme Hora 25, on Monday night, where the pair discussed Gibraltar’s future outside of the European Union.

Ensuring cross-border fluidity in a post-Brexit era was focused on in the interview, with Mr Picardo stating he has proposed an agreement that allows the “maximum level of cross-border movement.”

He added the proposed agreement would include “even fewer obstacles” than there may be today.

“But the details of that still have to be assessed and agreed upon,” Mr Picardo said.

The agreement would have to be made between London, Madrid, Gibraltar and Brussels to come to fruition.

“We do seek an agreement with the Schengen area, and that is a possibility, which, if it is feasible, and that still needs to be determined, I think it would be positive for the entire zone.”

Mr Picardo added that if Gibraltar and Spain cooperated and internationally marketed the Campo de Gibraltar and Gibraltar, the area would have prospered even more financially.

“If we had been using our energies together, we would have created those 100,000 jobs,” he said.

With just over four months left until Brexit day on January 1, Mr Picardo added there is still a chance of a Brexit agreement between the UK and the EU, although it would likely not be as ambitious as he would have liked it to be.

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