PRMC bake sale for GHITA
The MoD’s Princess Royal Medical Centre and Joint Admin Office recently held a charity bake sale to raise money for Gibraltar Hearing Issues and Tinnitus Association (GHITA).
Members of staff from the PRMC and Joint Admin Office took turns to bake cakes with the aim of raising money for this charity.
A variety of cakes were on sale including a spiderman themed cake, cheesecakes, spiced buns and a chocolate, raspberry and aubergine cake.
Edgar Triay from GHITA was invited to the PRMC for a formal presentation where donations totalling £86.10 were handed over to help toward this cause.
RAF Medic Cpl Josh Satterley, from the PRMC, said: “The PRMC hopes to establish a good working relationship with GHITA in the future.”
“We are also currently looking to train some of our medics in sign language.”