RGP launches festive campaign against drink driving
The RGP will be continuing its traditional zero tolerance approach to drink-drivers in the build up to Christmas this year.
Operation Drive Safe officers are now set to take to the roads to give advice and enforce the drink-drive legislation, with seven arrests made for drink driving offences so far this month.
The policy will be backed by last year’s video, which will be on both RGP social media platforms as well as on GBC, and by a poster campaign.
“We recognise that it has been a tough year for many people and that the festive spirit of Christmas will be welcomed by everyone,” Commissioner of Police, Richard Ullger said.
“The RGP doesn’t want to spoil anyone’s fun but we urge people to act responsibly and make sure that they can keep themselves and others safe on the road by not drinking or using drugs before driving.”
The RGP has also reminded the public of the dangers associated with driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs, as well as the fact that drivers could still be under the influence of alcohol the morning following a heavy night of drinking.
“The decision to drive when you’re over the limit takes just a split second, but the consequences can be devastating and could last a lifetime,” said Mr Ullger.
“The most costly of consequences are for those who find themselves mixed up in drink or drug drive incidents where a loved one is lost.”
“The results of drink or drug driving also have massive life-changing consequences for those who commit the crime in terms of the loss of their job, their relationships and their freedom to drive.”
The effects of alcohol on a driver include a reduced ability to judge speed and distance, a false sense of confidence and increased tendency to take risks, reduced co-ordination and concentration, slower reaction times and impaired vision/perception.