RGP recruits receive disability training
RGP recruits have been learning to understand some of the many barriers faced, not only by people with physical and learning disabilities but also by their families and friends.
The two-day Introduction to disability training was provided by Jenny Victory and Benji Borastero of the Supported Needs and Disability Office at the Ministry for Equality.
The first day of training was classroom–based and gave an overview of neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy, and it also considered various situations in which police officers might encounter people with these conditions.
In the final session of the first day, the recruits were briefed on all relevant legislation.
Day Two of the course was spent in the Sports Hall at the Europa Sports Complex and it had a much more practical flavour. The recruits experienced some of the problems that might be experienced by people with a range of disabilities such as impairments of vision and hearing or by those who might require the use of a wheelchair.
Ms Victory was delighted with the enthusiasm shown by the recruits and said, “The beauty of this course is that we can first consider the theoretical issues in a classroom setting and then we can put many of the lessons into practice in the Sports Hall.”
The Commissioner of Police, Richard Ullger, added that the RGP is fully committed to providing the best levels of service to our community.
“This Introduction to disability training enhances the skills of our officers as first responders, especially when interacting with people who have various forms of disability,” he said.
“We are pleased to be working alongside the Supported Needs and Disability Office at the Ministry of Equality in order to better understand how to break down the barriers faced by people who may need us the most.”