RGP teams up with local organisations to promote Safer Internet Day
A number of local organisations and groups have teamed up with the Royal Gibraltar Police to mark Safer Internet Day today.
The day is supported by organisations in more than 170 countries worldwide to help make the internet a safer and better place for all, but especially children and young people.
In Gibraltar and the UK, Safer Internet Day unites millions of young people, schools and organisations to spark conversations on key issues around online safety.
On the Rock, the RGP linked up with the Care Agency, the Youth Service, Childline Gibraltar, the Department of Education, the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority and the Ministry of Defence to highlight the issue.
Detective Sergeant (Ag) James Currer, who works in the Public Protection Unit and is leading on this year’s Safer Internet Day campaign for the RGP, said: “Our aim is to raise awareness of issues that affect young people in Gibraltar, such as cyber bullying, online grooming and sexting.”
“If you would like any information or advice on such issues, visit www.saferinternet.org.uk”
“We also have a cyber-safety section on our website, www.police.gi/information/cyber-safety”
“If you have any concerns about your children using the Internet, you can call us on 200 72500 and ask to speak to the Safeguarding Team.”