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RGP urges community participation as Project Servator is launched

A policing tactic designed to deter, detect and disrupt a range of criminality, including terrorism, went live across Gibraltar on Friday, with the community urged to play its part in safeguarding the Rock’s security.

In the months leading up to the formal launch of the scheme, the Royal Gibraltar Police has completed an extensive programme of work that has included
training, community awareness and operational deployments.

Commissioner of Police Ian McGrail said: “In adopting Project Servator, we are enhancing our existing tactics by adopting best practice developed by experts and implemented by policing partners in the UK, in order to help keep key sites and crowded places within Gibraltar safe and secure.”

“The active support of the public, community and businesses is vital to the success of Project Servator.”

“We have been actively engaging local businesses and the wider Gibraltar community since December to introduce them to Project Servator, explaining the
vital role that they have to play.”

He added: “Please don’t be surprised or alarmed if you see a heavy police presence in a specific area of Gibraltar, as these are normal police operations to deter, detect and disrupt a broad range of criminal activity.”

“You can help us keep our community safe by engaging with the Project Servator teams if you see them deployed in your area; speak to officers to find out how you can play a part.”


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