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RGP’s youngest fan given a VIP tour

Young Sonny, at just two years old, is one of the Royal Gibraltar Police’s biggest fans and this week he was treated to a tour of the compound.
Sonny was treated to a VIP tour around the RGP's traffic compound, accompanied by his father Kevin and by PC Simon Todd.
Sonny was invited after his mum, Sam Sheppard, contacted the RGP to ask if they could be sent any photos of police cars as he often insists on standing at the gate of the compound to peer through and look at the vehicles.
“He started to notice the 'nee-naws' passing our balcony about a year ago,” she said.
“If they pass with their blue lights on, he gets really excited.”
“Since then, we always have to stand by the gate and have a look.”
During his one-hour tour, Sonny got to sit in a patrol van, a police car, on a police motorcycle and in his personal favourite, the tow truck.
His mum added that Sonny hopes to be a police car driver one day.

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