Rock residents wear blue for Nautilus Project's marine awareness campaign
Various companies and individuals around the Rock wore blue last Friday in a bid to raise awareness of the importance of looking after our marine environment. The Nautilus Project was behind the drive for people to wear blue as part of their Blue Week and they visited a number of entities on the day to thank them for their support.
“Your support for Nautilus Blue Week has been simply overwhelming,” they said.
“Thank you Prior Park School, S.M.Seruya, ISOLAS, Cotton Leisure Ltd, Gelat'i Amo, Janine Stephanie Gomez, GSD Future, ITLD, Brian Soiza, Metalrok LTD, ATM European Ltd, Jackie Dalli The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Gibraltar, Peninsula 360, St Mary's Lower Primary, our young amazing volunteers and Nova the dog for wearing blue.”
“Together we are the wave of change,” they added.