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Rowing Marine thanks Gibraltar…in person

The Rowing Marine, Lee Spencer, has returned to the Rock to thank Gibraltarians in person for their support and help as he attained his Guinness World Record.

Landing on Sunday morning, greeting Mr Spencer at the airport was firm supporter the Governor, Lieutenant General Edward Davis. They saluted one another as Mr Spencer stepped off the plane before a warm embrace welcoming him back.

Lee Spencer 2

Mr Spencer was also welcomed by the Gibraltar Band and Drum Association, who played a variety of musical pieces including ones associated with the Marines.

“Once again I have been overwhelmed by my welcome onto the Rock,” he said.

“Every time I come here I am just blown away by the support that the Rowing Marine has had and the fact that that hasn’t finished and is still here is absolutely brilliant,” he added.

Mr Spencer, who is here for ten days, arrived with his wife Claire and their two children Billy and Harriett and other family members. While here he plans to “relax and to say thank you to lots of people. It would have been maybe possible without the help from the people here, but I am glad I didn’t have to find out,” he said.

Since Mr Spencer rowed solo and unsupported across the Atlantic Ocean in just 60 days in a challenge he described as, “the hardest thing I have ever done.” He has been taking part in a whirlwind of media interviews and chatting to various supporters including a surprise 10 minute Skype call with Prince Harry.

Although he said he has recovered and caught up on sleep he is still having some difficulty walking due to “sitting on my arse for three months”.

Pics by Eyleen Gomez

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