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Santos congratulates GNDO for their success at the IDO 2024 World Show Dance Championships

Minister for Culture, Christian Santos , congratulated local dancers under the Gibraltar National Dance Organisation (GNDO) for their success at the International Dance Organisation (IDO) 2024 World Show Dance Championships held last week in Riesa, Germany.

The competition marked its 25th anniversary and hosted just under 3000 dancers from 23 countries, with 53 dancers from Gibraltar competing in several categories, including Children, Junior and Adult divisions across Solo, Duet, Group and Formation categories.

For the first time, Gibraltar reached the finals in the Formation category, and the 18 dancers went on to achieve the title of Vice World champions.

The Junior Male soloists achieved top places as World Champion and Vice World Champion.

Gibraltar representatives also placed on the score board in many of the other categories.

“I would like to congratulate our dancers and choreographers for their achievements at such a high level of competition,” said Mr Santos.

“I am always pleased to support our local talent, especially when they fly our flag overseas.”

“Congratulations to GNDO President Wendy Garro and Vice President Gerald Rodriguez for their hard work in giving dancers from two groups, Mediterranean Dance School and Transitions Dance Academy, who qualified in the Gibraltar Open championships, the opportunity to perform and make us proud.”

“The hard work of everyone involved, from the performers, teachers, coaches and parents, has definitely paid off.”

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