Spain extends Brexit bridging measures on healthcare and driving licences
Pic: Johnny Bugeja
The Spanish Government this week approved a temporary extension for two Brexit bridging measures related to Gibraltar in the areas of healthcare and the recognition of driving licences.
The measures, which are dependent on reciprocity, were due to expire at the end of this year.
In practice it means people from Gibraltar will be able to access healthcare in Spain much as was the case prior to leaving the EU.
That measure has been extended until June 30, 2022.
It would be superseded by any agreement reached between the UK and the EU that covers the same arrangements, the Spanish Government said in announcing the decision.
British driving licences will also continue to be recognised for another two months until February 28, 2022.
The measures were extended against the backdrop of ongoing talks for a UK/EU treaty on the Rock’s future relations with the bloc.
They were approved by Spain’s Council of Ministers at a meeting earlier this week.
Treaty negotiations are set to continue in the new year, with two rounds of talks already scheduled although the dates have not been publicly confirmed as yet.
Negotiators hope to reach an agreement by the end of the first quarter of 2022.