Spanish union warns ‘no deal’ Brexit will be ‘devastating’ for Campo economy
Eyleen Gomez
The Spanish workers union, CCOO, said a ‘no deal’ Brexit would be “devastating” for the economy of the Campo de Gibraltar.
The union issued the stark warning as it stressed that the interests of people, the economy and employment in the Campo region and Gibraltar should be prioritised during talks on the post-Brexit relationship between the Rock and the EU.
According to the union, the economic and social links between communities on both sides of the frontier require special attention during negotiations, and the union said people should be a priority during discussions.
CCOO regional secretary for the Campo, Manuel Triano, expressed his concerns on Brexit negotiations with respect to Gibraltar and the transition period, which comes to an end on December 31.
He said: “A Brexit without an agreement on Gibraltar will be devastating for the Campo’s economy.”
“This could put Spanish workers’ jobs at risk on the Rock, who contribute to 15.1% of social security payments in the Campo de Gibraltar.”
The union said it will also call for a meeting with the President of the Mancomunidad de Municipios, Juan Lozano, and also raise its concerns with the Cross Frontier Group.
“Throughout its history, the Campo de Gibraltar has paid dearly for policies that have been made without the interests of the people at its hearts, thereby sacrificing the living and working conditions of its people,” Mr Triano said.
“A [Spanish] Government that calls itself progressive cannot return to that path and must reach an agreement where the interests of the men and women in this region are taken into consideration.”