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Storm Trooper resides on the Rock

Shaun Lister, became Gibraltar’s only official and registered Storm Trooper when he was accepted by the esteemed 501st Legion and he is now known in the circle as TK-22201, Vader's Fist.

The 501st Legion, is a charity Org/Cosplay who are famous around the world and are used by Lucas arts and Disney for special events. They also partake in Make-A-Wish events, National Protection Against Cruelty to Children events and visit children in hospital, they never charge for their appearance. The motto is “bad guys doing good”.


In becoming an official Storm Trooper, Mr Lister fulfilled a dream he had 32 years ago when he saw Star Wars for the first time at the age of four. “I remember seeing them for the first time and being super impressed by them,” he said.

Mr Lister will now start dressing up as a Storm Trooper on a regular basis as he continues to volunteer for local charity GibSams, “as soon as I got my clearance I contacted them and offered them my services.”


Mr Lister costume arrived the day before Star Wars movie legend Mark Hamill, who played the role of Luke Skywalker, arrived in Gibraltar to open the Skywalk.

At the Mark Hamill and dance troupe Boogie Storm event in John Mackinstosh Square he was “mobbed” by Star Wars fans as everyone clambered to have their photograph taken with a real Storm Trooper.


Mr Lister agreed to a photoshoot for the Chronicle on the new Skywalk, following in the footsteps of the iconic Mr Hamill. It is impossible for Mr Lister to sit down in the costume so MH Blands offered the Storm Trooper a ride up the Rock in the cable car. The sight brought much amazement and fascination to tourists and locals alike, many of whom wanted their photograph taken.

Care has to be taken when posing for a photograph and no one is allowed to touch his costume, this is to ensure the costume does not get damaged by any items such as jewellery and clothing. The cost to repair it can be very high.


Members of the 501st Legion never refuse a photograph as long as that rule is respected.

At the Skywalk and the walk down to the new tourist attraction Mr Lister was stopped numerous times and was asked to pose for a photograph.


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