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Supported Needs and Disability Coordinators trained across Govt

The Ministry of Equality has trained 40 government staff as Supported Needs and Disability Coordinators to create inclusive workplaces and ensure proactive support for individuals with disabilities.

The training was first announced in Parliament by Minister for Equality, Christian Santos, earlier this year and “fulfils a manifesto commitment of the GSLP/Liberal Government”, said a statement from the Government.

The role of the Supported Needs and Disability Coordinators is multifaceted; they must support their colleagues who have supported needs and disabilities themselves or care for loved ones with needs, support service users who access their department, and be included in their department’s policy making meetings to ensure that the needs of persons with supported needs and disabilities are taken into account, the statement added.

The purpose of this is to take a more proactive and meaningful approach to supporting persons with supported needs and disabilities.

During this week’s intensive training participants learned about, lived experience of disability through Para Sports, the role of occupational health and occupational therapy.
Reasonable adjustments in the workplace, neurodiversity in the workplace, delivering meaningful change, courageous conversations and Dementia awareness.

Autism awareness, disability legislation, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, The National Disability Strategy and what’s available in the local community.
The Government gave thanks to the trainers; Dr Karl Alvarez, Louise Ross, Stephanie Bugeja, Clare Francis, Nicole Stevens, Lorraine Martínez, Gillian Guzman, Karen Truman, Nicole Buckley, Benjamin Borastero and Jenny Victory.

"This is another step in the right direction to creating an inclusive and safe environment for all be it in our work places or the wider community. At the last election we promised to introduce disability coordinators throughout the

public sector to ensure that departments take ownership of their responsibilities under the Disability Act, so I am extremely pleased that this manifesto commitment has been completed,” said Mr Santos.

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