Team PEB set for Ronda charity cycle
Team PEB, a cycling group on the Rock, will hold its fifth annual cycle from Ronda to Gibraltar later this month, this time to raise money for Prostate Cancer Gibraltar.
Departing in the early morning on November 26, the group of 20 mountain bikers will leave Ronda and start a journey of over 120km across a myriad of terrains and an elevation of 1,700 metres.
“Anybody can join us, it does not have to be only members of the club but obviously they need to have a fitness level,” said Owen Torres from the club.
“It is over 120km and 1,700 metres of elevation, so more than four times going up the Rock on the same day.”
“So you must be fit,” he added.
He explained that some of the team members are “really fit” and “others training towards the charity ride.”
Every member that is undertaking the challenge is collecting the money individually, with the treasurer being sent the money to be then passed on to Prostate Cancer Gibraltar a week later.
Donations can be made directly to Prostate Cancer Account Sort Code: 60-83-14 Account number:07108001.
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