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TG appoints new executive

Together Gibraltar on Wednesday announced its new party executive, which it said presents a “cross-section of [Gibraltar’s] beautifully diverse community”.

The executive will be made up of 14 members, including party leader, Marlene Hassan Nahon, Nicky Calamaro, Zohra El Gharbaoui, Neil Hayes, Mark Daniel Lopez, Isaac Massias, Kayley Mifsud, John Montegriffo, Mark Murien, Erika Pozo, Craig Sacarello, Neil Samtani, Michelle Trinidad, and Eddie Wood.

In a statement, Together Gibraltar said: “The party received 14 applications for the executive, some from pre-existing executive members, and others from the wider membership, for a maximum of 15 places.”

“This has done away with the need to choose some candidates over others in an election process.”

“TG is extremely proud of its new Executive which is made of outstanding, dedicated

members of the party, and presents an extremely representative cross-section of our

beautifully diverse community.”

The party will present its new executive board and announce its organisation structure of the party during its virtual annual general meeting on December 7 at 7pm.

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