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TG urges Govt to improve DPC transparency

Together Gibraltar has raised concerns about the transparency of the process of Development and Planning Commission (DPC) meetings.

TG said this comes after the Gibraltar Government confirmed meetings would continue online.

“With public confidence in governmental transparency at an all-time low, we must
champion democratic practices such as the development planning commissions
meetings,” the party said.

In a statement, TG said Gibraltarians are increasingly “wary about the number and quality of construction projects taking place”.

“Together Gibraltar keeps hearing from members of the public increasingly concerned about the impacts which new developments are having on the areas in which they live, and on the direction these are taking Gibraltar more broadly.”

“Together Gibraltar are confident that more public participation would alleviate concerns about Gibraltar becoming a concrete jungle and help maintain our quality of life.”

The party said it understands the benefits of keeping these meetings online, but thatthe government should do more to improve the transparency of these meetings, and
ensure that anyone not computer literate can still be included in the process.

“The government should commit to saving the recordings and providing details of the
objections process and how members of the public can have a say,” TG said.

Together Gibraltar called on the Government to commit to ending their ministerial
representation at the DPC.

The party urged the Government to allow the experts on the Commission to make decisions.

“Ministerial representation can create a conflict of interest as government ministers are often involved with the developers who bring proposals to the commission,” TG said.

“Gibraltar's land is our most precious resource. Developers worldwide are being made
to recognise the importance of aligning their projects with local communities, ensuring harmony with the environment, heritage, and the needs of our community.”

“Gibraltar's size and rich heritage only amplify the necessity for public involvement.”

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