Third cycle of Women’s Mentorship Programme ends
The third cycle of the Women’s Mentorship Programme has come to an end, with the Minister for Equality, Samantha Sacramento, meeting with mentors who have supported the programme since its inception.
The aim of the meeting was to thank them for their support of the programme and to obtain feedback from the mentors who, as having participated in the programme throughout, are best placed to advise on improvements.
The Women’s Mentorship Programme, which was announced on International Women’s Day in 2018, is a key initiative of the Gender Equality Strategy.
The Government said the programme has garnered a great deal of interest from a cross-section of the local work force, both from the private and public sector.
To date, a total of 89 ‘mentees’ have been able to benefit from the experience and expertise of established professionals enabling them to develop personal and professional skills.
“I am delighted to have been able to receive and thank mentors who have supported the Women’s Mentorship Programme from its very inception and throughout all three cycles which we have run to date,” Ms Sacramento said.
“These mentors have very generously and continuously volunteered their time to give back to the local community and to help others as they make their way in their professional journeys. I know from feedback received that mentees enjoy practical support, excellent guidance and thatthey benefit hugely from the lived experience oftheir mentors.”
“The mentors have made some valuable observations, which we will take on board for the future. I also know that many partnerships established as a result ofthe mentorshipcontinue informally past the official end of each cycle.”
“This is indicative of the sound matching process by the Panel of the Women’s Mentorship Programme and of the mutually beneficial and enriching nature of the mentor-mentee relationships.”
“The Programme’s success is in no small measure a result of the enthusiastic and generous contribution made by mentors. I am hugely indebted to all mentors and am very pleased to have been able to thank these mentors for their unstinting support in person.”