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Threat level remains at ‘substantial’

The Gibraltar Contingency Council met yesterday afternoon in order to review security and civil contingency matters, maintaining the current threat level at ‘substantial’.

The meeting was co-chaired by the Governor Lieutenant General Edward Davis and the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia, deputising for the Chief Minister.

The current ‘substantial’ threat level means an attack remains a strong possibility.

However officials stress that there is no intelligence to suggest any specific threat to the Rock.

In a statement the GCC said it will continue to closely monitor threat intelligence as it relates to Gibraltar, adding that Gibraltar’s law enforcement agencies will continue to take the necessary measures to keep the public safe by modifying their operational posture in light of forthcoming high-profile public events.

The GCC also considered the latest developments in the UK following the attempted murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal – the first use of nerve agent in Europe since 1945.

The GCC said it condemned in the strongest terms the “callous endangerment of life” and expressed their solidarity with the UK Government in their robust response, and with the people of Salisbury.

The GCC also took the opportunity to once again express their admiration for the brave and selfless work of first responders who are often called upon to attend such distressing, difficult and dangerous crime scenes.

It added that it will continue to monitor developments in the UK closely but stressed that there is no reason for members of the public in Gibraltar to be alarmed in relation to the events in Salisbury.

As ever, the public is asked to remain vigilant and to report any security and law enforcements concerns to the Royal Gibraltar Police.

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