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TNP unveils four new marine-inspired designs by Ana Serra to raise awareness for ocean conservation

The Nautilus Project has added four new designs created by Ana Serra to its line, the turtle, the whale, the dolphin and the crab.

The turtle design aims to shed light on the rising and concerning number of turtle deaths witnessed in BGTW and on the Rock’s shores so far this year.

The dolphin design aims to reinforce the ‘Empty the Tanks’ slogan as dolphins deserve to swim free, as they do in the Bay of Gibraltar.

The whale design aims to pay homage to the fin whale migration that takes place across the Strait of Gibraltar every year with sightings logged on NEMO, the Nautilus Environmental Monitoring Online app.

And the crab design aims to serve as a stark reminder of climate change and the warming of oceans. Warming oceans will hinder these invertebrates’ ability to maintain their calcium carbonate exoskeletons.

Ms Serra had previously designed other images for t-shirts and other Nautilus Project items. These were the Jellyfish, Nautilus, Seahorse, and Octopus.

The Jellyfish represented the increase in jellyfish blooms partly due to warming waters associated with climate change and the decline of turtles, a main predator of jellyfish.

The Nautilus design is representative of the charity’s logo.

The Seahorse design represented the dwindling numbers of the two species that inhabit BGTW and the importance of saving Rosia Bay, one of the last homes locally to these iconic fish.

And the Octopus, which was inspired by the common octopus short-term fishing ban during breeding season in BGTW. The objective was to shed light on the importance of this temporary fishing prohibition to improve reproductive success.

“We're ecstatic to be able to support her artistry,” said TNP.

All proceeds from the sale of t-shirts go towards supporting TNP and are available to buy at