Unite delivers election wish list to parties
Unite the Union has set out its wish list for the forthcoming general election, as it called for a “better, fairer and more equal Gibraltar”.
The document, which sets out an agenda for the next Government to implement, was shared with each of the political parties contesting the election last week along with an invite to meet to discuss the proposals.
According to Unite the response from political parties to meet has been positive.
The document, which was developed throughout 2019, includes themes that seek to improve the lives of those living and working in Gibraltar including the continuation of the union’s campaign to end the practices of insecure work, improving collective bargaining and union representation in the private sector, strengthening family friendly legislation, developing more robust apprenticeship schemes and seeking equity within supported employment schemes.
“The electorate have the opportunity on the October 17 to vote for a new government and the union believe that the party which champions equality and fairness in the workplace will resonant with workers past, present and future to achieve the necessary votes to present them with the keys to government,” said Stuart Davies, Unite National Officer for Gibraltar.
“The union’s agenda is one that we will be pressing the competing parties to incorporate into their manifestos. Well represented unions and strong employment rights are central to a successful economy and a well-motivated pool of labour”.
“The agenda for the union over the course of the next term of government will be much wider than the issues identified in the Unite manifesto; however we believe that the contents are progressive and the adoption of the measures will benefit members, workers and employers in delivering a better paid, supported, motivated and trained workforce which will ultimately aid the economic growth of Gibraltar.”