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Galliano and Hewitt qualify for PDC World Cup of Darts

Craig Galliano and Justin Hewitt have officially qualified for the prestigious PDC World Cup of Darts, which will be held and contested live on Sky Sports in Frankfurt, Germany from June 15th to 18th.
Justin Hewitt qualified for what will be the 4th consecutive year for the professional darts corporation World Cup of darts representing Gibraltar in Frankfurt.
The events will be live on sky sports from the 15th to the 18th of June .
In his last event for qualification Hewitt required to show composure to secure the qualification by beating Juan Carlos muños in the semi final and Dyson Parody in the final .
Earlier in the month Craig Galliano qualified for his third appearance in the PDC World Cup of Darts, now pairing with Hewitt once again.
Both Galliano and Hewitt earned the right to represent Gibraltar by participating in the six Gib PDC ranking competitions, with the top two players qualifying. Craig topped the table, with Justin Hewitt coming in second place on the final night.

Dyson Parody and Juan Carlos Muñoz fought until the very end, but it was Justin who showed composure to secure the last spot by beating Juan Carlos in the semis and Dyson in the final of the last event.

This will be Craig's third World Cup appearance and Justin's fourth. At just 21 years of age, the duo will once again be the youngest pairing in the competition.
The GDA expressed its gratitude to Tournament Director Nicholai Bado Sr. for running these events so smoothly.

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