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Glacis secure third victory

Glacis United 3-1 Lions Gibraltar

Glacis United secured their third win in five matches to start the season, leaving Lions Gibraltar firmly at the bottom of the table. The two teams faced each other in what was considered a bottom-half clash on a blustery, rainy day.
Both sides had a slow start as they adjusted to the conditions, leading to initial opportunities at either end, but nothing that posed a significant threat to the goalkeepers.
It wasn't until the 27th minute that the deadlock was broken. Lions, who had been on the defensive for most of the first half-hour, launched a quick counter-attack. A lofted ball to Serra in the far left corner of the penalty area saw him chip the ball high over the keeper. The ball dipped steeply at the far post as the keeper attempted to backtrack and stretch to save.
Just moments before, Glacis had missed a couple of chances, and this goal meant they had to regroup during the halftime break.
Glacis came out with the intention of turning the score around and struck their first blow in the 51st minute through Robinson. Although Lions showed confidence in going forward to seek a second goal, a mistake by the Lions' keeper, who ventured out of his penalty box to thwart a quick chase, allowed Robinson to round the keeper with ease. Even when facing three defenders in front of the goal, Robinson found a gap to squeeze the ball in for the equalizer.
Glacis immediately went on the offensive again and scored once more just two minutes later. After a corner kick at the other end of the pitch, Glacis launched a quick break forward. Robinson's initial cross into the goalmouth was blocked, but Flood managed to toe-poke the ball past defenders to score Glacis United's second goal.
Lacking the final touch, Lions couldn't find a way to equalize. Instead, with twelve minutes left on the clock, Glacis United scored their third goal. With the sun now shining over Victoria Stadium, Robinson sent a cross into the middle after a run to the byline. What seemed like a soft effort somehow squeezed between the fingers of Valades, with Nganga scoring.
The 3-1 victory positions Glacis in the midtable, with the same number of points as Lynx, Lincoln Red Imps, and College 1975, all on nine points. Lions Gibraltar has yet to secure a point in the league after five matches, with a goal difference of minus 12. They share the bottom of the table with Europa Point and Europa, both of which have yet to open their account this season.

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