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Cavalcade Cup Success

Last week Europa Point Youth organised the Calpe Cavalcade Cup at the Special Olympics Sports Hall over three days in various age divisions.

The Under 9’s tournament was won by Lincoln Red Imps with Oliver Slater from Lincoln Red Imps awarded the best U9 player in the tournament. The Under 11’s tournament was won by The Traitors with Max De Haro from Europa Point 2012 awarded the best U11 player in the tournament. The Under 13’s tournament was won by Los Bailarines with Lucas Newman from Mons Calpe awarded the best U13 player in the tournament.
Head of Youth at Europa Point FC, Seamus Byrne said:
‘I would like to thank everyone who have made this this event such a success including the staff at the Special Olympics Complex, my teams, coaches and youth committee at Europa Point, as well as the youth academies of Lincoln Red Imps, Lynx FC and Mons Calpe.’

The tournament came ahead of the resumption of the youth football season which this weekend saw most of the youth categories back in action in their respective Rock Cup matches.
The senior league will also return this week alongside the senior Rock Cup.

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