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Expansion of Activities- Phase 6 explained

The Gibraltar Sports and Leisure Authority who are responsible for monitoring that clubs and associations maintain to the public health guidelines during the Unlock the Rock process have issued a clarification on the latest announcements releasing sports further towards team activities.
In a notification via their social media pages they explain:

Team Sports:

Following the Chief Minister’s announcement that Gibraltar will proceed to Unlock the Rock Phase 6 on Wednesday 15th July, 2020 team sports will be allowed to incorporate small sided games into their programmes.

For the time being competitions in team sports will not be allowed to resume as sessions still need to comply with the regulations restricting gatherings to a maximum of 20 persons.


Public squash bookings will start again on Wednesday 15th July, 2020. The general booking number 20078409 will start taking bookings for Wednesday 15th July, 2020 on Tuesday 14th July as from 9.30am. Usual booking procedures will apply with users having to provide both contact names and numbers prior to been allowed authorisation to use their allocation

25m Swimming Pool

Swim jogging will continue under the current allocation system which will probably become a permanent feature. Numbers have increased to two per lane hence 12 per session.

Accessible Swimming Pool

Please note the changes to the arrangements effective as from today (Monday)

• The Stay and Play programme will have exclusive use of the entire facility from Mondays to Fridays from 9am- 1pm.

Therefore the facility will be available for use Mondays to Fridays 2pm to 8pm and all day on weekends as follows:

• Access to the pool specifically will continue to be restricted to those pass holders who, pre-lockdown were eligible to use the facility for the standard sessions earmarked for users with disabilities. This includes all indoor changing rooms and toilets.

• The booking system will be discontinued with access unrestricted in terms of when and for how long (obviously within the opening hours). There will however be a restriction of a maximum of 20 persons in the pool at any specific time (the pool has a maximum capacity of 22 anyway). This is in keeping with the regulations under the Civil Contingencies Act 2007.

• Staff will continue to use discretion with the siblings of those attending which has worked well to date. We urge you to work with staff on site to curtail abuse those so that those who genuinely require access are unaffected.

• The lido area will be shared with senior pass holders from 2pm daily and all day on weekends. Within this area groups must be kept to a maximum of 20 or less but there can be several groups within the area as long as this quota is respected.

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