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CorreLibre runs for Pride month

CorreLibre, the Gibraltar based free, weekly, timed, 5k run, dedicated their weekly run to Gibraltar Pride today. Sixteen runners ran from the 100 ton gun to the GASA swimming pool and back to the Piccadilly pub wearing shirts themed with a rainbow CorreLibre logo.

Pride fits well with CorreLibre's ethos of being the running club for everyone. The weekly run isn't a race, and has no winners or losers. Times range from 20 minutes to 50 minutes and more. CorreLibre welcome everyone, fat, thin, tall, short, straight, gay. The tortoise logo reflects the club's focus on taking part rather than winning.

Club president, Kathryn Morgan, said "Despite some issues with ironing the transfers onto shirts, we all had a great time. We welcomed a new runner and two people got personal best times."

Times are recorded on the club website,, so runners can run against themselves. Saturday's Pride run saw one runner improve their time by 78 seconds!

The next weekly run will be a Run for Knockers, with a voluntary donation for breast cancer research. Members have already donated £80 to this excellent cause and will wear pink for the run.

The club is free to join, and welcomes runners, and run/walkers, of all ages and abilities. Weekly runs start at 8:30 at the 100 ton gun.

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