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Action4Schools opens 89th water well in Sierra Leone

Action4Schools have opened their 89th water well in Sierra Leone, after receiving funding from Turicum Private Bank (Gibraltar).

Moyibo Village, Moyamba in Sierra Leone with a population of over 500 people will now benefit from this water well.

Jimmy Bruzon Founder of the charity presented the bank with a specially handcrafted plaque and explained how the well will improve the lives of hundreds of people at Moyibo Village.

"The villagers were desperate for a solution, they had been suffering for many years, the open water source they used to fetch water from was heavily contaminated and far away from the village, this new well has brought new hope and new life to the villagers,” he said.

“We want to thank the community in Gibraltar for their amazing support which is changing and saving lives every day and we encourage everyone to get behind our water projects.”

“We can do so much with so little and have an ongoing appeal for monthly standing orders so that we can plan and provide for more life changing projects such as this one funded by Turicum Private Bank for which we are very grateful for,” he added.

A video was prepared by Action4Schools helpers on the ground in the village to thank the bank for their donations.

“Today, we are here to show you the impact you have made on the lives of the people of Moyibo who have been struggling to get access to pure drinking water,” the video said.

“They no longer have to go very far or drink water that makes them very sick.”

The old water source is a long walk away and they show just how dirty and dangerous that water source was.

“You can see how far away the place is and how dirty the water is. That is why we say many thanks to you for giving us a well,” said Alpha Koroma the chief.

“We say thanks to Action4Schools, before we were getting sick frequently because of dirty water now that we have pure drinking water we no longer get ill because of water. Nor do we go to the swamp for water, we say thank you very much.”

Chair Lady of the village, Mariama Kallon said: “Before when I go to the kitchen to cook I struggle a lor for water. So many times the rain beat us on our way to fetch water at the swamp and when we went to the swamp to fetch water we knew the water was very dirty but we did not have a choice.”

“But we say thanks to Action4Schools for providing us with a well. We are now free from the struggle,” she added.

The bank's CEO Andreas Businger received a special thank you also.

"It is wonderful to know that Turicum Private Bank has been able to support the vital work done to provide clean, safe water to needy communities in Sierra Leone, these wells are life changing,” said Mr Businger.

More information on the charity can be found on their website or by calling Mr Bruzon on 57631000.

Bank details: Action4schools-Sierra Leone, Natwest Bank, 60-60-60 Account Number 48084352 or donate via Revolut on 57631000.

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