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Approved activity provider training

Recently training was offered to staff members of Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS) following its appointment as an Approved Activity Provider (AAP) for The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Gibraltar.

The training gave 15 staff members the opportunity to gain an understanding of the Award framework and the guidelines for its delivery.

Topics covered included the Award’s philosophy and guiding principles, mentoring and goal setting, how to run the Award within an AAP, and finding out about the various Award sections i.e. Skills, Voluntary Service, Physical Recreation, Adventuorus Journey, and the Gold Residential Project.

The training was delivered, at Award House, by Tasmin Griffith, one of the Award’s training team members.

Moving forward now GCS will soon start offering opportunities to local Award participants to undertake their Skills section activities, initially at Bronze Level but eventually offering it to Silver and Gold participants.

The Skills section of the Award aims to encourage the development of personal interests and practical skills by stimulating new interests or improve existing ones. These interests are typically of an intellectually challenging or creative nature and may be hobbies, vocational or job-related skills, as well as social, individual or cultural activities. Participants are expected to engage with these activities over an extended period of time; with those undertaking Bronze typically following these activities over at least 3 months.

GCS will also be looking to offer Gold participants from other countries the opportunity to undertake their Gold Residential Project in Gibraltar. This will create amazing opportunities for young people across the globe to undertake their residential project in Gibraltar.

The Gold Residential Project, which is completed only at Gold level over a period of at least four nights and five consecutive days, aims to broaden participants’ horizons through involvement with others in a residential setting. Participants have the opportunity to share a purposeful experience with people who are not their usual companions and work towards a common goal, set out by the participants themselves. Through the Gold Residential Project participants will meet new people, explore life in an unfamiliar environment, develop new skills and, hopefully, have a life changing experience.

National Director of the Award, Michael Pizzarello, said: “Having Approved Activity Providers enables the Award in Gibraltar develop more opportunities for participants to undertake their activities; whilst also ensuring the quality of the Award for young people and increasing the types of activities young people can engage on. Most established organisations can become an AAP and so if any are interested in exploring this option they should contact us for more information.”

For over sixty years, millions of young people across the globe have participated and received Awards, with millions more benefiting from its impact on communities around the world. Through non-formal education, the Award can play a critical role in a young person’s personal development and is achievable by any young person who wants to accept the challenge.

The Award gives young people the opportunity to experience challenges and adventures, acquire new skills and make new friends. Young people who do the Award become more confident and resilient, and develop skills in areas such as communication, problem solving and leadership. This in turn impacts on their communities, who see improvements in areas including employability, health and well-being, and educational attainment. The Award aims to help young people become #WorldReady via non-formal education and learning.

For more information about how an organisation might become an AAP, or for more information about the Award in Gibraltar, please contact the National Director, Michael Pizzarello on 20051971 or email The Award is an exciting youth development programme open to young people between the ages of 14 and 24. Check us out on

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