Bassadone Graduate Sponsorship Scheme open for applications
The Bassadone Automotive Group is offering three places on its Graduate Sponsorship Scheme to local students who plan to attend University.
The places will be offered to students who have gained admittance to a University to study Information Technology, Logistics, Mechanical/Automotive Engineering, Accountancy, Marketing or Business Studies.
Similar related courses will also be accepted by the automotive group, however, only students commencing their university degree this year will be eligible to apply.
Successful applicants will receive £1,000 at the start of every academic year for the three-year duration of their course.
Bassadone said: “Bassadone Automotive Group will offer the successful candidates the opportunity of work experience with the firm in Gibraltar during the summer vacation (subject to availability) to enable them to find out more about their chosen career should they so desire.”
Those interested in applying should send their CV, details of their future studies, a short explanation as to why they should receive the award and an academic reference from one of their tutors via email to Ms Lourdes Barea at or
Bassadone said: “The selection will have regard to the input of the relevant school but the ultimate decision as to who should receive the award will rest with the Directors of the Bassadone Automotive Group.”
“The proposals for the establishment of this scholarship have been discussed with advisers from the Department of Education and Training and approved by the Minister of Education and Training.”
It is important to note that acceptance onto the scheme does not include employment with the company following the completion of the degree.
Applications close on August 31 of this year.