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Christmas knocks at our door

Photo by Johnny Bugeja

A Christmas message from the Bishop of Gibraltar Carmel Zammit.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me (Rev. 3, 20).

We cannot celebrate the joy of Christmas without remembering those who are less fortunate than we are here in Gibraltar. This year has been the year of so much suffering and death of innocent persons due to cruel wars. The consequences of the war in the Ukraine and in the Holy Land are there for us all to see. Let us spare a thought for those undergoing so much suffering for no fault of theirs. May the peace that we sing during this period of Christmas festivities become a reality where peace is lacking. This lack of peace exists not only in nations but also in families and among neighbours. When the angels appeared to the shepherds they sang: “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth”. May peace reign in our hearts during this period as we prepare for the celebration of Christmas.

Advent is the season of expectation and preparation for the coming of Jesus, the Son of God made man We are invited to reflect on our need for God to enter our lives. He will come to us in the celebration of Christmas, in His continual coming in our daily living and in His final coming as our Lord to judge us.

Advent invites us to make a deliberate move on our part to draw nearer to the Lord. We all tend to become a little slack in our relationship with God and so Advent becomes a time to look at our prayer life.

Drawing closer to the Lord makes us look at the failings in our lives with a resolution to put things right. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a powerful way to be thoroughly reconciled to our God. If you have been away from this Sacrament of forgiveness, it is the right time now to seek this Sacrament to reconcile and to start a new journey with God.

Christmas is usually a time for lavish spending and much self-indulgence. Could we also think about helping those who are less fortunate than we are? God has been so generous with us in giving us his Son to save us, how generous are we prepared to be in imitation of God’s generosity with us?

Jesus came as the gift of the Father. He said, ‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:10). May we discover again the life-giving presence of Jesus among us and enter joyfully into this holy season of Christmas.

In his infinite love and mercy, God calls each one of us to a conversion of heart. Our God constantly seeks entry into the sanctuary of our hearts. The days and weeks leading up to Christmas are busy for most of us; but the season of Advent gently reminds us to stop, take stock, to remember and make our own the great truth of our faith that the Son of Mary is still knocking today at our door, desiring our company and friendship. Each day he stands and knocks at the door of our hearts, the door that can only be opened from the inside (cf. Revelations 3,20). He longs for us to let him in, but he will never force it open. His invitation is always open. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11,28).

Advent is a special time for us to co-operate with God’s work and to open our hearts to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. It is a time for us to make use of all the means which Christ has given us to bring about our conversion of heart - especially the gift of the Sacraments, of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, and the gift of personal prayer.

In a particular way, let us see Jesus in those brethren who need our help. Remember the sick, the elderly, and all those who require our presence and our time. Let us be God’s presence for one another, a presence of love, of forgiveness, of mercy, compassion and solidarity.

During this period of joyful celebrations, may we remember to pray every day for peace in the Holy Land, in Ukraine and in the whole world. We pray that the message of the Angels to the Shepherds, a message of peace, may become a reality in the world.

May, the Virgin Mary accompany us during these festive days. She also had her Advent or period of expectation, from the time the Angel appeared to her, when she accepted to submit her will to that of God, till she gave birth in Bethlehem.
May I convey to you all my blessing and prayerful good wishes.

+Carmel, Bishop of Gibraltar.

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