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Ecopark visit for the Mayor

The Mayor, Kaiane Aldorino-Lopez, has visited the Ecopark in order to learn how waste is managed locally. She also wanted to gain a better understanding of the recycling process and the role that individuals can play.

In a statement from her office Mrs Aldorino-Lopez said she was “committed to creating awareness of recycling and to supporting the Government of Gibraltar and global initiatives to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.”

The Mayor says she wants to make the public aware of the benefits of recycling, which includes the conservation of energy. She wants to see a reduction in pollution, a reduction in the amount of waste products going to landfill and the overall cleanliness of our air, water and land.

As a result, she encourages households to dispose of their waste appropriately in order to create a better Gibraltar for our community.

Recycling is not a new concept for Gibraltar as in 2008 two specific waste streams were introduced, glass and tin. In 2012, waste streams for paper and plastics were also added, with waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) also introduced shortly after. Since then, recycling in Gibraltar has expanded and, in 2015, the Ecopark opened and provided a one-stop facility for the disposal of all recyclable waste.

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