ESG highlight reduction of carbon emissions in election wish list
The Environmental Safety Group have outlined their aims including reducing carbon emissions in their election wish list.
The 15 point document stresses the need to tackle pollution, development, waste and trade in fossil fuel.
The ESG called for a funded and cross party supported independent climate body that will see Gibraltar move away from being a “carbon intensive society”.
The Group also highlighted further concerns including increased traffic due to the runway tunnel, as people “will not be willing to walk the much longer new route round the tunnel”.
“This is a major issue and needs addressing urgently,” the ESG said in their wish list.
The ESG added motorised vehicles make for an “unhealthy environment” and “intolerable levels of traffic” and called for campaigns against idling vehicles, incentivising clean running vehicles, removal of second hand buses and introduction of hybrid buses.
The Group also highlighted issues with bunkering and shipping, sewage treatment, recycling and conservation.
“ESG is concerned that without a Gibraltar wide holistic plan our open, green spaces and coastal sites could be built upon even though these provide important breathing spaces and habitats in an otherwise increasingly urbanised environment,” the Group said.
“ESG also considers that major developments should incorporate more green areas and landscaping.”
The Group raised concerns with 5G network and EMF radiation, as well as tourism in the Upper Rock.
The ESG called for an Environmental Action and Management Plan.
“We have been calling for its publication for some time now and the Climate Emergency Pledge and Crisis is now placing even greater pressure for this type of information to be published.”
The Group recognise that Brexit has put pressure on Government departments, but hopes 2019 marks the year that “historic promises” are delivered.”