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Feetham joins RGP Training Class

Minister for Justic Nigel Feetham recently took part in a Royal Gibraltar Police training class.

Mr Feetham joined the force’s latest recruit class for their Public and Personal Safety Training (PPST).

During the College of Policing approved training session, the Mr Feetham volunteered to take part in a demonstration from Sergeant Paul Chiara on how to escort suspects who are in police custody.

The RGP’s latest batch of 18 recruits are currently learning self-defence, control techniques and de-escalation tactics.

The PPST course lasts seven days and is being taught by three RGP instructors and one Gibraltar Defence Police instructor at state of the art facilities on Devil’s Tower Camp.

“Every use of force is a breach of a constitutional right,” Sergeant Chiara, the RGP’s Lead Trainer on the use of force, said.

“So all police officers are taught that all of their actions have to be proportionate and necessary in the circumstances at the time.”

“We teach officers the appropriate use of equipment, techniques and legislation in order to protect themselves and the public. This covers all areas from dealing with the mentally or emotionally vulnerable, to restraining the most violent in the most effective and safest way, whilst preserving their dignity and civil rights. Ultimately, our aim is to keep the public safe and preserve public trust in the Royal Gibraltar Police.”

Mr Feetham added he was invited to attend the class by the Gibraltar Police Federation and was delighted to have seen some new faces.

“Taking part in today’s class has given me a better understanding of all the training our police officers receive in their professional development,” Mr Feetham said.

“It’s good to see the RGP is in good hands.”

The recruits are currently in week six of a 23 week intensive training school. On completion of their school, they will join a Response Team for a two year probation period.

In addition, three Gibraltar Defence Police and two Royal Falkland Islands Police officers are in the RGP Training School.

The recruits come from a wide variety of backgrounds including the military, the Gibraltar Health Authority, the financial industry and a professional chef.

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