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Feetham tables motion on co-education

The Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Feetham, will move a motion at the next sitting of Parliament calling for a debate on education matters.

Mr Feetham, who recently handed the education portfolio to Elliott Phillips as part of a partial reshuffle, states in the motion that there are no overriding advantages for single-sex schools on educational grounds.

He said there is a “compelling case” for the view that co-education provides a more realistic way of educating and training young people to take their places naturally in the wider community of men and women.

Education, Mr Feetham said, must always remain at the top of the political agenda in this community and debate on these issues is important.

He called on the Government to generate that debate by undertaking a consultation exercise with teachers, the unions, parents, students and other stakeholders to determine the views of the community on this issue.


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