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#FreeTheKnee 2019 raises over £11,000

The Gibraltar Financial Services Commission held its fifth consecutive Free The Knee campaign in aid of Prostate Cancer Support Group Gibraltar.
A series of events were organised leading up to Friday July 5, when local organisations ‘freed their knees’ by wearing shorts or skirts to work to help raise awareness for Prostate Cancer.
With the support of the local community, over £11,000 has so far been donated through events such as the first #FreeTheKnee quiz night at Corks Restaurant and a raffle collection outside Morrisons.
Retailer, Marble Arc, collaborated with #FreeTheKnee to launch a separate shorts campaign, where 20% of proceeds from the sale of selected shorts went towards Prostate Cancer Support Group Gibraltar.
Further donations were made by various organisations with the GFSC’s Head of Risk and Innovation, Nicky Gomez, completing Mansion’s 5K challenge with a full leg wax and head shave. The final part of the challenge was to make front page news in the Gibraltar Chronicle, which this newspaper was to oblige with.
Director of Specialist Regulation, Heidi Bocarisa said: “GFSC staff have worked incredibly hard over the years in raising awareness for Prostate Cancer Support Group Gibraltar and this year it has been exciting to see the campaign further develop and thrive.”
“As an organisation, we are proud of our staff’s dedication to give back to the community and hope to keep encouraging this for years to come. We’d like to thank all who supported #FTK2019.”
Winners of this year’s #FreeTheKnee raffle can be found on @FreeTheKneeGFSC on Facebook.