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GABBA President involved in unprecedented international basket decision-making FIBA meeting

GABBA President and Mayor of Gibraltar Mr John Goncalves has had a busy week in terms of decision-making. His role as President of GABBA saw him having to make a tough decision which saw all of basketball in Gibraltar suspended until further notice this week. On Friday also involved in FIBA meetings which have led to some unprecedented decisions being made.
Among other decisions, which was today clarified had already been made last Sunday was the decision to postpone a trip of the Under 16 girls squad to Madrid. A decision which had been taken after monitoring reports from Spain as to the spread of the Covid-19 and made well in advance of the latest decision by Spain to enter a state of emergency and before the local domestic leagues were suspended.
‘A decision to postpone the trip indefinitely was made last Sunday,” Mr Goncalves explained adding that, “as with most things at the moment, positions are changing rapidly as the situation evolves,” leading to the information not filtering through to the media until today.
Importantly the GABBA President John Goncalves participated in his capacity as Vice President of FIBA Europe in a meeting of the Board by video conference on Friday.
The meeting was originally scheduled to take place at the headquarters of FIBA World in Mies, Switzerland, but the Covid-19 outbreak prompted the change.
A number of unprecedented decisions were made by the 28 members of the Board, including the suspension of FIBA Europe club competitions for the remainder of the season, which is scheduled to ‪end on 30 April‬. Decisions on the eventual outcome of these competitions, including the possibility of finishing them before the start of the 2020/21 ‪on 1 October‬, will be taken by the Board after consultation with all stakeholders.
Decisions were also made regarding events that directly affect Gibraltar's participation, namely, the annual General Assembly, scheduled to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, ‪on May 16‬; the Small Countries Championships for Men (Shannon, Ireland) and Women (Nicosia, Cyprus), from June 29 and ‪30‬, respectively, for 6 days; the Under 16 Division C Championships for Boys in Pristina, Kosovo ‪from July 11 to 19‬, and for Girls, in Gibraltar ‪from July 14 to 19 ‬ and the Under 18 Division C Championships for Men (San Marino) and Women (Andorra), ‪from 28 July to 2 August‬.
Keeping the dates and venues, rescheduling either or both, or cancelling any or all of the events will be decided by the Board no later than ‪15 April‬."

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