Garcia flags constitutional reform and Brexit in New Year message
Gibraltar’s level of self-government needs to be taken a step further, Liberal Party leader and deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia said in a New Year’s message in which he flagged up forthcoming constitutional reform.
“The level of self-government attained in 2006 now needs to be taken a step further a decade later in partnership with the United Kingdom whose politics, culture, education and values is an inextricable part of what we are,” Dr Garcia said.
The Government has a manifesto commitment to open the Constitutional debate once again and to look at issues such as the on-going development of human rights and the requirement for Gibraltar's removal from the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories.
On the forthcoming UK-led referendum on EU membership, Dr Garcia reiterated that the position of the GSLP/Liberals is to campaign for the UK and Gibraltar to remain in the EU.
There are all sorts of political and economic issues in favour of this position, he said.
“Although we would all have liked the EU to have been more robust in defence of our legitimate rights as EU nationals in EU territory, the reality is that on issues like bunkering, land reclamation and the artificial reef, Brussels has found no beach of EU law…The situation would have been much worse were we outside the framework of EU law.”