GHITA and GHA launch hearing loss survey
Gib Hearing Impaired & Tinnitus 24-09-18(Photo John Bugeja) press call by Hon Neil Costa
The Gibraltar Hearing Impaired and Tinnitus Association (GHITA) together with the Minister for Health Neil Costa launched a survey yesterday to find out the number of people with hearing loss on the Rock.
The launch was timed to coincide with Deaf Awareness Week.
Attending the launch was Edgar Triay, Maite Facio-Beanland and Richard Weaver from GHITA, and Suzanne Romero the clinical nurse manager at the Primary Care Centre.
“When Edgar from GHITA came to me to say that it was important to have a survey in order to be able to better assess the number of people at such a basic level who may life with hearing loss and hearing impairment,” said Mr Costa.
“We thought it was an excellent idea,” he added.
Mr Triay welcomed the fact the GHA is working with GHITA “to improve and revolutionise the ideologies and services and bring it to the 21st century,” he said.
“In order to plan for the future we need to ascertain the needs and the size of the deaf population,” he added.
He noted how receptive Mr Costa was to the survey and how he used both professionalism and common sense to enable GHITA to conduct the survey.
“In the 10 years of my involvement with the deaf community and the charity I consider today the biggest accomplishment,” said Mr Triay.
The survey can be completed in person at the PCC or at St Bernard’s hospital but is also available online at
This week the Chronicle will run a series of articles written by people in our committee who are affected by hearing loss or a hearing condition.